Under African Skies


1 Under African Skies

About Album

This recording of Paul Simon’s celebratory 2012 London concert is notable for including most of his landmark 1986 album, Graceland. Ladysmith Black Mambazo’s rousing harmonies light up “Homeless”, while many of the album’s original players from South Africa re-create the springy rhythms and exuberant instrumentation. On other career highlights, Simon is upbeat (“Kodachrome”) and playful (“50 Ways to Leave Your Lover”), while the crowd echoes his haunting acoustic rendition of “The Sound of Silence” until it sounds like a hymn.


Release Date

March 22, 2018

Available Lyrics

Under African Skies + -
Joseph's face was black as night The pale yellow moon shone in his eyes His path was marked By the stars in the Southern Hemisphere And he walked his days Under African skies This is the story of how we begin to remember This is the powerful pulsing of love in the vein After the dream of falling and calling your name out These are the roots of rhythm And the roots of rhythm remain In early memory Mission music Was ringing 'round my nursery door I said take this child, Lord From Tucson Arizona Give her the wings to fly through harmony And she won't bother you no more This is the story of how we begin to remember This is the powerful pulsing of love in the vein After the dream of falling and calling your name out These are the roots of rhythm And the roots of rhythm remain Joseph's face was as black as the night And the pale yellow moon shone in his eyes His path was marked By the stars in the Southern Hemisphere And he walked the length of his days Under African skies


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